Thursday, May 26, 2011

Life Changing? I think so.

For this last blog post I'm going to talk about a life changing experience. This post was assigned to me by my teacher, so I hope that this will be a good one. I don't like to talk about this topic, but I feel that I should share this with my classmates because it reveals a little more about myself.

6th grade was the most challenging school year that I had ever had during my time in elementary school. First off, I felt like I had no friends because no one would include me in anything and I would always go home crying. People had started drinking and smoking, which was something I wasn't cool with, so they basically shut me out or ignored me for not doing what they like to do. Little did I know that this would effect me later on in life always thinking that I could not be accepted by anyone.

Second, my parents were getting a divorce. For a long time they would fight and argue, and most of the time I would hear those arguments. My mom had started to sleep in a different room and my dad would stay out late at night or spend his time in the garage working on his car. When my mom finally told me that he was moving out and that they were getting a divorce, at first I felt somewhat relieved. My mom could finally have some peace of mind and I wouldn't have to worry about my dad yelling at my brother and I all the time.

Over time, however, things would get worse for me. I would cry at school because I was so jealous of all the kids who had parents that were still together, and it was forced upon me to see a counselor because I would start to have serious anxiety attacks at school. That whole year was so bad and there was not much that anyone could do for me.

That year was life changing for me. It has shaped who I am today, still with anxiety and other various problems that no one knows about. Thankfully I have my mother to keep me laughing and everything. I don't think any year could compare to that one.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ghosts: Are They Real or Fake?

For this post, for my AC class, I am writing to evoke a response. A big controversy is the belief if ghosts are real or not. There are many shows on TV and a lot of them make ghosts seem to actually exist. In my opinion I am half way in believing this and half not. I think the main idea of these shows is for pure entertainment because I am quite entertained, but on half the shows they can't prove anything that they have seen or heard.

So I'll ask this: Do YOU believe in ghosts? I think that if you watch the show Ghost Adventures, you will have an answer to that question. The three guys on that show make their ghost hunting seem so real that for a couple of episodes I would believe that ghosts are real. But when I am watching it with my mom she says, "Don't you think that they could have staged all of this?" She brings up a very good point because I had never really thought of that WHILE watching the show because I was so into watching these three men get scared by the littlest noise that they hear.

Now, about this whole Paranormal Activity stuff...does it seem more real than the shows on TV? These movies deal with something completely different: demons. Obviously this is made up because they use the people from the first movie in the second one, but that doesn't mean that demons don't exist. I think that they don't because it just seems way too out-there to believe that someone could be possessed by something that physically doesn't exist.

I hope that I evoked a response out of whoever reads this. This topic is talked about all the time that people have debates as to the theory if ghosts exist or not. Take into consideration that I'm not completely convinced that they exist.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Book Review

For my AC class, one of the assignments is to do a free reading reflection. The book that I will talk about is The Host by Stephenie Meyer. As this class should know, I read this book for my book talk earlier in the semester and gave a brief overview of it. This book has nothing to do with the Twilight series, but the writing is similar.

This novel is about an alien named Wanderer (later on called "Wanda"), who takes over the body of her new host named Melanie. When an alien takes over a human body, the human is supposed to be completely lost so that all of their memories will be taken by the alien. However, Melanie refuses to give up and remains present within her body and mind. The two later go on an adventure looking for Melanie's brother Jamie and special man friend Jared.

The Host is filled with sci-fy, adventure, romance, and the understanding of what it means to be human. The alien has never felt human emotion before and it is overwhelming for her to take it all in. She understands what it means to be heart-broken and what it means to be in love. Overall, this novel is one of the best that I have ever read mostly because it is the type of genre that I like, and also that the writing is just amazing. I would tell people that they should read this book because it doesn't hurt to read something you think would be bad but in the end it would turn out good.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Best Meal I Ever Had

This post was assigned to me by Zach. He wanted me to write about the best meal that I have ever had in "captain's log" form. By the way it's a true story, just spiced up. So here it is:

(8:01): May 5th Captains Log.
I have just discovered the best meal that I have ever had in a place that I must admit have never been to. The place I am talking about is Chili's. When I ventured out to this fine establishment I had a little trouble finding a parking spot because I did not know that this resteraunt was quite popular. As I approached the doors two hosts opened them for me, and I immediately knew this was the place for me.

I was a little disappointed in my table though because instead of getting a booth like I always want, I was given some small half a table spot. Maybe that was because I only had one companion with me, my second mate. Right when we were seated our waiter who was tall and creeperish asked us if we wanted chips and salsa and our drinks. As he walked away I started flipping through the menu and found the most delicious looking sandwich I had ever seen. It was a ham and cheese sandwich with texas toast, honey ham, mayo, and swiss cheese. I knew at that moment that that is what I wanted to eat, and when our waiter came back I demanded for that sandwich.

A few minutes passed by as we waited for our food and while I was waiting for my awesome sandwich I pondered what it would taste like. Would it taste like Heaven? or would it taste like complete and total crap? I soon found my answer when my waiter brought me my dinner. It smelled so amazing and was very warm and heafty with ham. I took it up into my hands and then proceeded to take a bite and let me tell you that first bite was so amazingly awesome that I was jumping in my seat. Everything in the sandwich blended together and when I pulled away to chew the portion I had taken, the cheese would still be attached to the sandwich never wanting to part with it.

After I ate the whole sandwich (and fries that came with it) I felt like my stomach had expanded by a margin. Never before had I ate something like that sandwich. Everything about it was inviting and I would guarantee that I would go back to Chili's soon to eat it again. Now I know what my favorite destination is on 27th Street is.

Thursday, April 14, 2011 Response

In this article the writer goes on about how many words have been used in one sentence (which is 181 by Virginia Woolf). I like that this article is informative because you can use as many words as you want in a sentence. What I do not like about this is that the writer kind of brags about her being able to "cross gossamer bridges in my brain" and also being able to produce long sentences like Virginia Woolf.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My review of "Black Swan"

First if you haven't seen this and are planning on this then don't read it unless you don't care!: Ok, so I saw the movie Black Swan last night and I have to say it is one of the best movies that I have ever seen. It has some cringing, weird and risque parts but overall the plot line was really well done. Going into the movie I forgot that it was rated 'R', so I was suprised that there was a lot of vulgarity for what seemed a classy movie about ballet. I was also shocked that there was a lot of sex in this movie because you would think this movie is just about a woman trying to get the lead role in a famous ballet (Swan Lake). I mean, I don't mind but when I looked around there were semi-old people in the theater and I started laughing because they probably felt uncomfortable watching it with other people in the room. This is a psychological thriller which is why sometimes one thing would happen but in reality nothing did happen or it happened another way. I don't know how to explain it, you'd have to see it for yourself. I think my favorite part was when the ballet was finally taking place and Natalie Portman's character's arms transformed into those of the black swans wings. The end of the movie just blew me away because throughout the whole movie N.P.'s character wanted to be perfect and all she said at the end was "I am perfect" while dying at the end of the ballet.I am definitely going to go to target to buy this movie when I have the chance, although if my mom asks me to watch it with her I'll be like "No thanks mom...I'm ok".I would reccommend others to see this movie, it is just utterly amazing and jaw dropping!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Quote That I Love

"The lily means I dare you to love me..."

"Free Space" aka Going On A Rant

Alright so I feel like going on a rant today. If I have not said already, I work at a movie theater. It is pretty sweet what with all the perks such as eating popcorn and drinking beverages while working, getting into movies for free, and getting $1 passes for every 12 hours that I work (if I only worked that many hours a week). And that just makes me mad, only getting about 4 1/2 hours a week. Since I only get paid minimum wage (7.25) and receive no raises, that is only about 28 or so dollars week!

A lot of people are having this problem at work too and so this girl I work with who I am good friends with went to talk to my boss about this, who does not do the schedules, and he said to get more hours is based off of "performance". Ok, how much work do you think that I could get done in 4 1/2 hours?! We try to report to him about the guy who does the schedules but he just blows it off. Everyone knows that it's based off of favoritism and not performance because "certain people" are getting 4 days a week, where as I get one. I took this job thinking it would pay better than my last job but I will admit that I am wrong. I need this job to help pay for college and obviously this is not giving me the money that I need to help pay for it. This is causing my mom and me to argue about me getting a second job or asking for more hours. I am trying all that I can to get more hours but the 'bleeping' assistant manager does not know how to make the schedule.

Earlier in the week my friend from work came over to talk about how crappy this scheduling business is getting and we decided it is time to go to corporate and hopefully they will do something or we will sue the guy that does the schedules. It just makes me angry everytime I have to look at that dang schedule and see my name with only one day scheduled next to it. Hopefully this guy gets fired and they will pick someone who will do the schedules right and think well of the co-workers. In a nut shell, that is the only thing I hate about my job.

Inspiration To My Blog

Best movie ever

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

An Introduction You Will All Love

Wow. Ok so after reading my about me you probably think I have nothing else to say about...myself. Well fellow bloggers you are wrong. First I will start off on why I am writing this blog. My AC teacher has our class creating blogs and for our first post, wants us to write an introduction including information such as how our writing will help you (bloggers) and what our strongest piece is. Well, I already said what my favorite piece of writing is in my about me and as for my writing I hope to influence people by using various quotes and sentence structure.
Okay, so as for me here are a few things that people may or may not know: 
  • I started playing the viola when I was in fourth grade.
  • I almost died when I was a baby.
  • I have two other sisters (from my dad's first marriage).
  • I have a twin brother.
  • I love disney movies.
  • Previously I worked at Pick 'N Save (or Pick 'N SLAVE).
  • I am an adult (heck yea).
  • I love reading.
  • Never have I gone to school on my birthday and probably never will (suckers).
  • I have been to Ohio, New York, Illinois and Florida.
  • Flying in planes scares the crap out of me.
  • One of my fears is disappointment.
  • Lady Gaga is one of my most favorite singers of all time.
  • I hate putting my hair up in a pony tail, I believe it takes too much time.
  • Going to Whitewater for school next year for Elementary Education.
  • I volunteer at a cat shelter.
  • I am online way too often.
  • I only play one sport.