Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Free Space" aka Going On A Rant

Alright so I feel like going on a rant today. If I have not said already, I work at a movie theater. It is pretty sweet what with all the perks such as eating popcorn and drinking beverages while working, getting into movies for free, and getting $1 passes for every 12 hours that I work (if I only worked that many hours a week). And that just makes me mad, only getting about 4 1/2 hours a week. Since I only get paid minimum wage (7.25) and receive no raises, that is only about 28 or so dollars week!

A lot of people are having this problem at work too and so this girl I work with who I am good friends with went to talk to my boss about this, who does not do the schedules, and he said to get more hours is based off of "performance". Ok, how much work do you think that I could get done in 4 1/2 hours?! We try to report to him about the guy who does the schedules but he just blows it off. Everyone knows that it's based off of favoritism and not performance because "certain people" are getting 4 days a week, where as I get one. I took this job thinking it would pay better than my last job but I will admit that I am wrong. I need this job to help pay for college and obviously this is not giving me the money that I need to help pay for it. This is causing my mom and me to argue about me getting a second job or asking for more hours. I am trying all that I can to get more hours but the 'bleeping' assistant manager does not know how to make the schedule.

Earlier in the week my friend from work came over to talk about how crappy this scheduling business is getting and we decided it is time to go to corporate and hopefully they will do something or we will sue the guy that does the schedules. It just makes me angry everytime I have to look at that dang schedule and see my name with only one day scheduled next to it. Hopefully this guy gets fired and they will pick someone who will do the schedules right and think well of the co-workers. In a nut shell, that is the only thing I hate about my job.

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