Wednesday, April 6, 2011

An Introduction You Will All Love

Wow. Ok so after reading my about me you probably think I have nothing else to say about...myself. Well fellow bloggers you are wrong. First I will start off on why I am writing this blog. My AC teacher has our class creating blogs and for our first post, wants us to write an introduction including information such as how our writing will help you (bloggers) and what our strongest piece is. Well, I already said what my favorite piece of writing is in my about me and as for my writing I hope to influence people by using various quotes and sentence structure.
Okay, so as for me here are a few things that people may or may not know: 
  • I started playing the viola when I was in fourth grade.
  • I almost died when I was a baby.
  • I have two other sisters (from my dad's first marriage).
  • I have a twin brother.
  • I love disney movies.
  • Previously I worked at Pick 'N Save (or Pick 'N SLAVE).
  • I am an adult (heck yea).
  • I love reading.
  • Never have I gone to school on my birthday and probably never will (suckers).
  • I have been to Ohio, New York, Illinois and Florida.
  • Flying in planes scares the crap out of me.
  • One of my fears is disappointment.
  • Lady Gaga is one of my most favorite singers of all time.
  • I hate putting my hair up in a pony tail, I believe it takes too much time.
  • Going to Whitewater for school next year for Elementary Education.
  • I volunteer at a cat shelter.
  • I am online way too often.
  • I only play one sport.


  1. I'm hooked already. And I have so many questions! For instance, what's the story behind the second fact? What do you like to read? Why? Do you fear disappointing yourself or someone else? What's it like to be a twin?

    Look at that...all sorts of stuff to write about! And I can't wait to read it.

  2. For the second fact I'm not so clear on it but my mom said that when I was born I had that cord around my neck and so I spent 2 weeks in the hospital. I like to read mystery books and sci-fy stuff; mostly Harry Potter :). I fear disappointing both myself and other people, that just has to do with my own personal problems that I have been going through this year. Also, I'm not sure how to answer what it is like to be a twin because I don't know what it feels like not to be one. I guess I could say that it feels like you've been living with a friend for your whole life and you have to share a lot of things together (such as a car or house).
